7 Wheel of Life – Balance your Life

How often do we think we are healthy, and we have a great family? Are you feeling complete in these areas? If YES, congratulations! But what about finance! Are you on the right track to achieve financial freedom?


The 7 Wheel of Life is a way to take a good, hard look at each facet of life and rate its relative quality level, so you can uncover which areas you may need to focus on.
It’s very important for all of us to create life balance. The one facet can ruin all others. By getting a clear view of your life, you can identify where you are excelling and where there may be room for improvement.
The 7 Wheel of Life has been created to help bring balance to your life and creating happiness and success!


How does it work?
Every slice of the wheel represents a category. Each of these slices can be assigned a value, 1 (very bad) to 10 (very good). Giving a score to each facet enables you to see the life satisfaction of the moment and where there is room to improve the overall.


Steps to create a Wheel of Life


Step 1


Step 2 Complete
Fill in the 7 Wheel of Life. Take to complete, being honest with yourself, this way you are able to create an accurate view of your life balance and how to improve.


Step 3 Reflect
After filling in the wheel, take some time to reflect on your score.
  • Scores from 8 to 10 very satisfied;

  • Scores from 5 to 7 reasonably satisfied;
  • Scores from 1 to 4 not happy at all about particular area.

It depends what your score is for each facet of your life, but for example if you had 8 for health. It is very important to maintain this, but improvement is always possible. With a score of 5 to 7, this is a great reflection on your goals. If you haven’t any perhaps now it’s TIME! If you score 1 to 4 in any area, it’s a great time to find some ways to improve and take ACTION.


Step 4 Action
Every score you are given, provides many opportunities, you just need to become self aware and start taking ACTION. Visualise the image of 7 Wheel of Life completed and see where there is room for improvement. Now ask yourself specific questions to improve each category where needed.
Below are 5 questions to help you and guide you :
  1. Why did a gave myself such a low score?
  2. Why this category is important for me?
  3. How can i improve this specific category?
  4. What is the ideal score to achieve a balanced life?
  5. How i’m gonna feel, when i achieve the score wanted for this category?

Answering these questions, think about how you can balance your life.